Page 52 of articles about behaviour-welfare

Philippines: DA fully supports the humane treatment of animals in adherence to the Animal Welfare Act of 1998

In his report to Agriculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala, Director Efren C. Nuestro of the DA’s Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) said the law’s implementing rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the DA Secretary, was prepared by the DA Committee on Animal Welfare (DA-CAW), which conducted exhaustive consultations with stakeholders in several public hearings.

The effect of type of rooting material and space allowance on exploration and abnormal behaviour in growing pigs

The experiment aimed to investigate the effect of type of rooting material and space allowance on explorative and abnormal behaviour in growing pigs. Thirty-six pens with partly slatted concrete floor were allocated to one of four treatments: (1) low space allowance and maize silage as rooting material, (2) high space allowance and maize silage as rooting material, (3) low space allowance and straw as rooting material, and (4) high space allowance and straw as rooting material.