Page 53 of articles about behaviour-welfare

Piglet castration

At what age can we castrate piglets? Is it possible to castrate without a general anesthetic? The new test on castration tries to resolve these doubts.

Rooting behaviour


Some sows on green pasture. One is nuzzling at the soil. There is a Saddleback boar in the background.

European Commission will not allow a delay in implementation of the ban on the use of individual sow stalls

In a letter responding to Eurogroup’s request for a clarification of the EU’s current position, the director of the Commission’s animal welfare department informs Eurogroup that the Commission “has no intention” to delay the entry into force of the ban on sow stalls in 2012, which was introduced in 2001 and is included in Directive 2008/120/EC on the protection of pigs.

Australia - Tasmania: Changes to pig farming proposed

A state government committee is pushing for a major overhaul of Tasmania's pig farming regulations. The Animal Welfare Advisory Committee is urging the government to ban the use of sow stalls, or cages, due to concerns about animal welfare.