Page 53 of articles about behaviour-welfare
Piglet castration
Ireland - Smith launches two new €29 million welfare schemes for pigs farmers and poultry producers
Australia - Sow stalls under review
Rooting behaviour
Some sows on green pasture. One is nuzzling at the soil. There is a Saddleback boar in the background.
Australia - Tasmania leads the nation in welfare of pigs
Environmental and sow-related factors affecting the duration of farrowing
A flooring comparison: The impact of rubber mats on the health, behavior, and welfare of group-housed sows at breeding
European Commission will not allow a delay in implementation of the ban on the use of individual sow stalls
Effects of feeding level and access to rooting material on behaviour of growing pigs in situations with reduced feeding space and delayed feeding
Gestating sows in group
Pig Veterinary Society: Absolute honesty needed in the labelling of pork products
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Australia - Tasmania: Changes to pig farming proposed
Temple Grandin: Carbon Dioxide Stunning of Pigs
Temple Grandin explains humane slaughter methods to insure good animal welfare at the pork processing plant.