Page 54 of articles about behaviour-welfare

Netherlands - New sustainable pig farm prototypes

Scientists at the Wageningen University's Animal Sciences Group (ASG) presented a brochure called 'Varkansen'. The research, conducted at the request of Dutch agriculture minister Gerda Verburg, developed three designs for more sustainability in pig production; in translation called the Pagode, the Pillar and the Pearl.

Netherlands - Economic impact of existing regulations on farms with pigs

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality commissioned research into the impact on the pig farmer of the necessity to comply with government measures relating to animal welfare (Pig Decree) and the environment (Ammoniac and Nitrate Directive) after the end of the transition period. Based on individual pig farms in the Farm Accountancy Data Network, it was investigated whether farms can finance the necessary investments and whether the farm will have any income after that investment. It was also investigated whether pig farms can use alternative forms of housing which require less extensive investments. The policy for which the transition period ends in 2013 has far-reaching consequences for the entire pig sector.

Richard Longthorp, Pig Farmer


Richard can tell you a thing or two about pigs. Hes been rearing them for the last 20 years on his farms in East Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire. Hes also well known in the industry as a tireless campaigner for improved training and higher standards of animal welfare.

Jyden Bur: Free stall system for the European market

As of 2013, the European Union has made new requirements for gestated sows. The ordinary static crate will be phased out by law but there are other solutions. A high level of efficiency, an improved working environment and more animal welfare is the outcome of the popular and flexible gestation crate, JB5000 from Jyden Bur – a Danish company with an international perspective.