Page 54 of articles about behaviour-welfare

USA - APHIS to Issue Animal Welfare Enforcement Information

Beginning in June, APHIS will issue monthly press releases that include case summaries where the agency is charging people and businesses with violations of the AWA. The press releases will also provide summary information about closed enforcement cases and penalties levied.

New Zealand - New pig welfare code draws big public response

A new pig welfare code has drawn a big response from the public calling for an end to the use of sow stalls and farrowing crates in the pork industry. The National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee released a draft version of the new welfare code for pigs in March.

EU- New report about welfare legislation on pigs

EU Directive 2008/120/EC describes the existing EU pig welfare legislation, and repeats the intention of the Commission to evaluate the legislation on the basis of scientific evidence. In anticipation of this review, the Dutch ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality asked Wageningen UR Livestock Research to describe the present situation regarding the translation of Directive 2008/120/EC into national legislation by the member states.

Netherlands - New sustainable pig farm prototypes

Scientists at the Wageningen University's Animal Sciences Group (ASG) presented a brochure called 'Varkansen'. The research, conducted at the request of Dutch agriculture minister Gerda Verburg, developed three designs for more sustainability in pig production; in translation called the Pagode, the Pillar and the Pearl.

Netherlands - Economic impact of existing regulations on farms with pigs

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality commissioned research into the impact on the pig farmer of the necessity to comply with government measures relating to animal welfare (Pig Decree) and the environment (Ammoniac and Nitrate Directive) after the end of the transition period. Based on individual pig farms in the Farm Accountancy Data Network, it was investigated whether farms can finance the necessary investments and whether the farm will have any income after that investment. It was also investigated whether pig farms can use alternative forms of housing which require less extensive investments. The policy for which the transition period ends in 2013 has far-reaching consequences for the entire pig sector.