Page 56 of articles about behaviour-welfare

New section: Pig welfare


We have just added a new section, Pig welfare, to pig333, on the European legislation about the minimum standards for the protection of pigs (2001/88/EC of 23/Oct/2001 and 2001/93/EC of 9/Nov/2001). This section has an interactive format of questions and answers starting from a photograph, and has been prepared by Paolo Candotti.


Test your knowledge on the European legislation about the minimum standards for the protection of pigs (2001/88/EC of 23/Oct/2001 and 2001/93/EC of 9/Nov/2001)

Finland – Agreement to improve pig welfare

Finland’s Ministry of Agriculture has arrived to an agreement with representatives of the swine industry (farmers and meat industries) to improve all aspects related to pig welfare. Producers and industry have made a commitment to revise and improve conditions.

European Union - Animal welfare labelling scheme

The Council took note of the presentation by the Commission of its report on options for animal welfare labelling and the establishment of a European Network of Reference Centres for the protection and welfare of animals.

USA - FSIS issues humane handling Directive

The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has issued Directive 6910.1, Revision 1: District Veterinary Medical Specialist (DVMS) — Work Methods. This directive provides instruction to DVMSs regarding the work methods they are to use when conducting humane handling verification assessments at both livestock and poultry establishments.