Page 7 of articles about behaviour-welfare
Design of pig facilities. Strategic points for the future (1/3): animal welfare and genetics
Many farm design parameters have changed. Animal welfare has become even more important and genetic evolution has resulted in productive variation between breeds.
Risk factors differ for viable and low viable crushed piglets in free farrowing pens
New edition of SPACE exhibition in France
The 37th edition of the SPACE exhibition has just been held in Rennes, where this year, energy had a special emphasis.
France presents its priorities in the European welfare review
The European Commission will propose a revision of animal welfare standards in the second half of 2023.
Lameness in pregnant sows alters placental stress response
Clinical case: Lameness and paralysis of hindquarters in finishing pigs
This case describes the deferred lesions resulting from tail biting and quantifies the losses it causes.
Spain: Video surveillance in slaughterhouses now required by law
Slaughterhouses must have a video surveillance system that will allow for additional animal welfare checks.
Honduras reactivates National Council for Animal Protection and Welfare
Representatives of public and private institutions met to reactivate the National Council for Animal Protection and Welfare, chaired by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock (SAG), and to define a road map with concrete actions.
Video surveillance systems in slaughterhouses: status of their implementation in different countries
Spain is the first EU country to legislate the installation of video surveillance systems in slaughterhouses, following the example of England, Scotland, and Israel.
Effects of farrowing hut design on maternal and thermoregulatory behavior in outdoor housed sows and piglets
Efficacy of transdermal flunixin in mitigating castration pain in piglets
Five effective strategies to engage the new generation of pig farm workers
In the search for solutions, it is possible to identify and implement effective management strategies to improve the engagement and performance of the younger generation of farm employees.
Use of drinkers by finisher pigs depends on drinker location, pig age, time of day, stocking density and tail damage
Water medication: Influence of drinking patterns on water medications
Knowing the pattern of pig drinking behavior is essential for effective treatments.