Page 12 of articles about behaviour-welfare in Abstracts

The impact of chronic environmental stressors on growing pigs: stress physiology, production and play behaviour

Commercially farmed animals are frequently housed in conditions that impose a number of concurrent environmental stressors. For pigs housed indoors, elevated levels of mechanical noise, atmospheric ammonia and low light intensities are commonplace. This experiment examined the effects on growing pigs of chronic exposure to combinations of commercially relevant levels of these potential stressors.

Farming systems and environment: Effects of available surface on gaseous emissions from group-housed gestating sows kept on deep litter

In the European Union, the group-housed pregnant sows have to have a minimal legal available area of 2.25 m2/sow. However, it has been observed that an increased space allowance reduces agonistic behaviour and consecutive wounds and thus induces better welfare conditions. But, what about the environmental impacts of this greater available area?

Validation of saliva sampling techniques in swine in order to assess stress responses

Salivary cortisol (a stress hormone) is an outcome measure that can be used along with health, behaviour, and productivity. Saliva sampling has the potential to be a relatively non-invasive method of determining cortisol concentration. However, techniques have not yet been validated or standardized for use in grower-finisher pigs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect that different sampling regimens have on salivary cortisol concentration.

The effect of type of rooting material and space allowance on exploration and abnormal behaviour in growing pigs

The experiment aimed to investigate the effect of type of rooting material and space allowance on explorative and abnormal behaviour in growing pigs. Thirty-six pens with partly slatted concrete floor were allocated to one of four treatments: (1) low space allowance and maize silage as rooting material, (2) high space allowance and maize silage as rooting material, (3) low space allowance and straw as rooting material, and (4) high space allowance and straw as rooting material.