Page 2 of articles about behaviour-welfare in Videos
Newborn Piglets & Bottle Fed Baby Piggy
Piglets are born. One gets accidently stepped on by Mama. She was stitched up and although Mama wanted to take her back in, the piglet was scared to death of her. She ended up being a bottle fed pig much to the delight of the children.
How to stimulate the sow during Artifitial Insemination
Aroused sows, Danish scientists have discovered, increases by several percentage points impregnation by artificial insemination. From TED Talk shared knowledge podcast.
Rooting behaviour
Some sows on green pasture. One is nuzzling at the soil. There is a Saddleback boar in the background.
Temple Grandin: Carbon Dioxide Stunning of Pigs
Temple Grandin explains humane slaughter methods to insure good animal welfare at the pork processing plant.
Temple Grandin: Pig Behavior During Handling
Temple Grandin discusses the design of chutes, races, and crowd pens for swine. Low stress handling improves pork quality and reduces PSE.
Richard Longthorp, Pig Farmer
Richard can tell you a thing or two about pigs. Hes been rearing them for the last 20 years on his farms in East Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire. Hes also well known in the industry as a tireless campaigner for improved training and higher standards of animal welfare.
Lola the Pig Plays Piano!
This is lovely Lola the potbelly pig. She has learned to play piano and horns...see her other video too!
Piglets chomping on their mother
A litter of piglets in Thailand. One piglet struggles to get a teat.
Piglets Play Fighting
Video of Piglets play fighting at the Cannon Hall Open Farm in West Yorkshire, and then a shot of them all sleeping.