Page 5 of articles about disinfection
European Union: measures to prevent the introduction into the Union of the African swine fever virus
All-in-all-out strategy
The difficulties of carrying out an all-in-all-out strategy correctly...
Cleaning & Disinfection
Biosecurity practices in Spanish pig herds
Salmonella in wild birds: a risk for swine?
The role that wild birds can play in the spreading of this infection cannot be underrated.
Help for pig producers to keep on top of cleaning and disinfection
Relationship between biosecurity measures and production, health and treatment in pig herds
The level of dietary fiber and sanitary conditions affects growth and health in weanling pigs
USA: FDA increases dose of ionizing radiation to treat meat
Ecolab collaborates with China's State Food and Drug Administration to provide food safety training
Salmonella contamination sources
The farms can be free from PRRS, enzootic pneumonia, atrophic rhinitis, pleuropneumonia, scabies, swine dysentery, and so on. However, why is it we are still unable to characterize farms as Salmonella-free?