Page 23 of articles about biosecurity
Farm to Fork: healthy animals, healthy food, healthy people
How to make a boot rack from a pallet
There are many types of boot racks in the market, but we can build one ourselves with something available on any farm: a pallet.
New EU reference laboratory for foodborne viruses
Land altitude, slope, and coverage as risk factors for PRRS outbreaks in the USA
Does the land altitude, slope or coverage matter?
Evaluation of biosecurity measures to prevent indirect transmission of PEDv
Biosecurity status and its associations with production and management characteristics in farrow-to-finish pig herds
The farms that apply more vaccines are the ones that score the best in internal biosecurity. The change towards prevention directly leads to both greater use of vaccines and better internal biosecurity, as they are the only means we know to prevent the disease.
Italy: Aujeszky’s disease eradication plan in the region of Veneto
Brazil will set the rules for compartmentalisation in pigs
Imports of organic products subject to new EU electronic certification system
EFSA publishes the 2015 European Union report on pesticide residues in food
Boehringer Ingelheim presents a new tool to assess and monitor biosecurity and management risks in pig farms
FDA, USDA and CDC map out 5-year Foodborne Illness Plan
Livestock associated MRSA – what is the appropriate level of concern?
After more than a decade there is little to suggest that LA-MRSA poses an imminent threat to public health, even in countries where prevalence is high in pigs.