Page 32 of articles about biosecurity
Progress of the microbiological food control regulations in Central America
Russia: ASF virus genome detected in products imported from one of Belarusian plants
Bridging WHO and OIE Tools to better control global health risks at the human-animal interface
Italy: new case of ASF in Sardinia
Recommendations for the prevention of african swine fever in at-risk countries II
In this second part the actions described are the ones needed when the disease is already in the country.
Traffic control for swine production sites
Studying the pattern of traffic flows for your production site is important when designing your “bioexclusion” game plan.
European Union: RASFF 2013 Annual report
Recommendations for the prevention and control of african swine fever in at-risk countries I
ASF spreads mainly through the movement of infected pork and other animal products, as well as live animals, which includes wild boar.