Page 39 of articles about biosecurity
USA - AASV To Release H1N1 Recommendations
USA - Infectious diseases study site questioned
Canada to no longer quarantine swine with H1N1
USA - No antibiotics amendment: US pig industry
Biosecurity measures to prevent airborne infection in pig farms
Maple Leaf Foods Responds to Parliamentary Sub-Committee Report "Beyond Listeriosis: Strengthening the Canadian Food Safety System"
North American H1N1 influenza update
Biosecurity measures to prevent pig farms being infected by wild animals
Risk and/or triggering factors of porcine circovirus
Between 1995 and 1997, at the beginning of an epizootic called “maladie de l’amagrissement du porcelet” (MAP), it was observed that the farms that were most affected and that had the most losses, generally presented obvious deviations from what we would consider to be a suitable management of the animals and facilities. This is why Dr. François Madec made a list of management practices with the aim of improving the anomalous situation observed.
An overview of North American PRRS eradication efforts
The use of diagnostics will allow producers and practitioners to work together towards the common goal of PRRS eradication