Page 12 of articles about zoonose
Paraguay: Foot & Mouth Disease outbreak
Investigation of the prevalence of hepatitis E virus contamination through the pork food supply chain in England
Eradication of FMD in the Philippines (II)
In 1996, the NFMDTF drafted a national plan to address the 1995 FMD epidemic wherein 98,000 animals were reported to have been affected.
European Union: EFSA provides up-to-date information on food-borne viruses
USA - USDA expands Salmonella initiative program to reduce and eliminate pathogens
European Union - Report on antimicrobial resistance in zoonotic bacteria affecting humans, animals and food
Survey of Salmonella populations from swine waste-treatment technologies
U.S. Aims to test meat prior to selling
European Union - Salmonella in humans falls for fifth consecutive year, Campylobacteriosis remained the most reported zoonotic disease
Streptococcus suis - Zoonotic epidemic in Asia
Currently, the human risk factors associated with S. suis infection are: 1) Eating raw/undercooked pork meat, 2) Being a farm worker with hog contact or 3) Butchers. To date, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission of S. suis.