Page 7 of articles about boar
Thompson's tip: Vasectomised boars
Thompson's tip: Boar stimulation
Germany: principal slaughterhouses agree not to penalize non-castrated pigs
Revealing genetic relationships between compounds affecting boar taint and reproduction in pigs
Comparative on-farm study of alternatives for surgical castration of male pigs:consequences for boar taint and carcass quality
The impact of PCV2 infection on male reproductive organs of boars
Canada: Government helps swine producers boost exports
Effects of castration and immunization against GnRH on the immune system and the adrenocortical axis in pigs
Clinical case: Unexpected findings block semen exports
The semen was destined for Japan which requires the donor boar to be tested with negative results within 60 days prior to collection for export for: Vesicular Stomatitis, Aujesky’s disease, PRRS, Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, and Tuberculosis.