articles about circovirus
Ceva receives EU marketing authorization granted by the EU Commission for Cirbloc® M Hyo, a new Ready To Use vaccine to protect pigs against PCV2 and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
The new vaccine is based on the PCV2d genotype, the most circulating one in the field and on the Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyo) strain BA 2940.
First detection of PCV4 in swine in the United States
Summary of the 27th IPVS and 15th ESPHM-ECPHM: Viruses and parasites
In this first installment, Antonio Palomo summarizes the presentations and posters from the latest edition of IPVS and ESPHM-ECPHM.
PCV2 vaccines
This article describes the main characteristics of commercial vaccines to combat swine circovirosis.
55th AASV Annual Meeting summary: Health
Antonio Palomo summarizes the presentations on swine health from the recent edition of the AASV that took place in Nashville (Tennessee).
First detection of porcine circovirus 4 (PCV-4) in Europe
333 Emerging voices - Comparative histopathological findings of diseased pigs infected with porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) and 3 (PCV-3)
PCV-2 and PCV-3 associated disease outcomes are distinguishable at a histopathological level. Final thesis at the College of Veterinary Medicine, UAB, Spain, advised by Joaquím Segalés.
Medgene: USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics allows groundbreaking platform technology portfolio of vaccines to pork industry
Animal health company Medgene granted a second Platform technology license to provide solutions for pork producers.
First detection of porcine circovirus type 2e in Europe
Histological lesions and replication sites of PCV3 in pigs
The program for the 333 Experience is as lively as our industry!
Round Table on PRRS with M. Torremorell, E. Mateu, and J. Baliellas. The latest addition to the Experience program!
Zoetis Receives European Commission Marketing Authorization for CircoMax® Myco
First PCV2 and M. hyopneumoniae combination vaccine in the EU for pigs that includes two PCV2 genotypes for broader coverage against continuously evolving Porcine Circovirus.
Should we be worried about PCV-3?
We are finding more evidence of the possible role PCV-3 plays in certain reproductive problems.
PCV-2d, PCV-2b, PCV-2a. How important are the differences between genotypes for veterinarians?
Serious problems occurred much less frequently with genotype a than with genotype b. Why did the frequency of these genotypes change?