Page 11 of articles about costs
Argentina will strengthen the pig sector
Value of UK pigmeat fell in 2015
Belgium: analysis of the impact of the Russian embargo on pork
Cereals, oilseeds, and protein and leguminous crops prices and production forecasts
Rabobank: EU grains-to-pork value chains must leverage country strengths
Spanish swine sector estimates for 2016 a growth
Ireland: €1M package for pig sector
The EU member countries requested financial aid for 90,025 t of pork whilst they remain in private storage
Belgium approves measures to support the pig sector
French pig market marked by fragility in 2015
Flu productive impact
There are many open topics, such as: 1) what is the impact of the disease in endemic situations at the reproductive level (irregular return to estrus / fertility), especially in gilts; or 2) what is the productive impact in farrowing units, especially when we know that suckling piglets can play a role as a reservoir of the virus in an endemically infected farm.