Page 14 of articles about costs
The path to profitability – assessing when the benefit of animal health interventions justifies the cost in wean-to-market
What further increases profitability in pig production is not minimizing costs, but maximizing revenue.
Rabobank: pork price outlook for the remainder of Q1 and into Q2 2014 is steady
Any takers for $100 weaned pigs?
Time will tell if PEDV is the cause but weaned pig and feeder pig prices began to turn up in June, a couple of months ahead of their traditional seasonal bottoming with the turn toward seasonal highs which peak usually in February or March.
A celebration of the business goal of pork production: maximization of profits
When you earn a profit, you have created more tangible value than the cost of the scarce global resources used to create your final product.
FAO expects more balanced food markets, less price volatility
How to budget feed costs in the presence of high price variation?
This is done by moving from single most likely value to ranges of possible outcomes with an assigned probability
Rabobank: global pork industry has experienced a positive Q3
FAO calls on countries to adapt to food price volatility
For the moment, things are getting tough in Spain
In September Spain has started a downward trend spiral. The livestock supply is very high, and the maximum activity of the abattoirs cannot even absorb it.
Brazil: the CIAS publishes the swine production costs monthly
New section: Swine markets commentary
A new section has started in pig333. From now and monthly, international experts will offer us their points of view on the pork markets.
How to deal with the economics of PCV2? A suggested approach
This economic model was create to provide a decision support tool for farmers and veterinarians, who can enter their own data to calculate the severity of PMWS on their farm, the cost of disease and what could be the most cost-effective control measure.
The Economic Impacts of Foot and Mouth Disease – What are they, how big are they and where do they occur?
Understanding the market dynamics of feed ingredient costs
Understanding the market dynamics of feed ingredient costs is crucial not only to manage overall costs of production but to ensure effective strategies in purchasing, margin hedging, peak line of credit acquisition and liquidity or financial risk management.