Page 20 of articles about costs
USA - Corn futures up on global inventory drop
France - Voluntary agreement between producers, transformers and distributers in order to minimize price volatility in the livestock sector
South Korea - Pork belly price stymies purchases
Latest FAO Food Price Index shows first decrease in eight months
JSR: New online MTF calculator adds focus on profit
FAO - Unless production of major food crops increases significantly in 2011
United Kingdom - British pig production still lags behind
Farmex: Lack of control costing pig producers
Sow parity structure (I)
One of the main goals for a sow herd is to achieve a correct homogeneity of the productive batches.
Most countries post increases in production costs
Denmark - Positive forecast for pig production
Swine Production in the Philippines (1/2)
The finance crisis: Grain prices will rise as production falls off
Ventilation – heating and cooling
The purpose of a ventilation system is to remove excessive moisture and heat produced by animals in order to maintain an indoor climate within certain limits