Page 4 of articles about disinfection
Canada: CFIA lifted the temporary emergency livestock transportation protocol
USA: FDA releases final rule to ensure food safety during transport
Cleaning the bowls for milk replacer supplementation
A system for cleaning the bowls in a practical, effective, and quick way without splashing all the farrowing pen or soaking the piglets.
FDA announces new resource on sampling programs for food safety
Clinical case: Control measures in an outbreak of oedema disease
A series of unsuccessful measures are taken until the problem is finally solved.
USDA expects a record in European pork exports in 2015
The EU approves the use of recycled hot water to eliminate microbiological contamination in meat
Spain: Interporc will take to the Spanish pig farms the Rules on Good Biosecurity Practices
Whitewash Farm Video
Progress of the microbiological food control regulations in Central America
Poland: second ASF outbreak in domestic pigs
Recommendations for the prevention and control of african swine fever in at-risk countries I
ASF spreads mainly through the movement of infected pork and other animal products, as well as live animals, which includes wild boar.