Page 7 of articles about E. coli
Utilization of Lactobacillus rhamnosus in piglets on the intestine and immune imbalances
Poor weaning transition ADG in is not correlated with pathological or immunological markers of enteric disease during a PRRSV outbreak
Iodine in water on weight gain, diarrhea and oral and dental health of nursery pigs
New neonatal porcine diarrhoea: aspects on etiology
Casein glycomacropeptide in the diet may reduce Escherichia coli adhesion and may promote intestinal health
Effects of plant extracts on diarrhea and intestinal morphology of piglets challenged with E. coli
Clinical case: Episode with a high mortality in the weaning stage
The nervous system symptomatology is characterized by some cases of meningitis and opistothonus, dizziness and serious deep depression in a great number of animals. The necropsy shows, in all the cases, a serious lung congestion and an enteritis with a variable seriousness with a more or less important involvement of the mesenteric lymph nodes.
Effect of mixing piglets affected by Escherichia coli diarrhea on growth and welfare responses
Weaned pig responses to Escherichia coli K88 oral challenge when receiving a lysozyme supplement
Oral immunization of weaned piglets with tobacco seeds expressing antigenic proteins of VTEC
Effect of in-water iodine supplementation on weight gain, diarrhea and oral and dental health of nursery pigs
Clinical case: Post-weaning diarrhoea outbreaks in Eastern Europe
The pig farm management team in charge of the post-weaned piglet nursery areas on these wean-to-finish sites has found serious problems with diarrhoea in recent batches of piglets arriving from the breeding farms.