Page 3 of articles about greenhouse-gas
Emissions (I): How are greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions produced on our farms?
In this first article on emissions, Xavier Flotats explains how the main greenhouse gases and ammonia are generated on our farms.
EU : stricter rules to reduce industrial emissions
MEPs voted to include pig farms and poultry farms with more than 200 livestock units (LSU).
CP Foods is developing RE100 Prototype farm
Pioneering 100% renewable energy-powered animal farm.
EU public consultation on the "polluter pays" principle
The European Commission has launched an open public consultation to gather views from citizens and interested parties on the implementation of the "polluter pays" principle in the EU.
The cost of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock farming
This article provides an example of the cost per ton of CO2 saved by reducing direct greenhouse gas emissions through daily slurry removal and anaerobic digestion.
EU proposes amendments to the Emissions Directive
The Member States have amended the Commission's proposal to extend the scope of the Directive to intensive livestock farms.
New EU 2030 target to increase EU carbon sinks
New law raises the EU carbon sinks target for the land use and forestry sector, which should reduce greenhouse gases in the EU in 2030 by up to 57% compared to 1990.
The EU must reduce emissions by 40% by 2030
The revised law increases the 2030 GHG reduction target at EU level from 30% to 40% compared to 2005-levels.
CP Foods continues to expand its portfolio of climate-friendly products to meet growing demands for eco-friendly diets
The company has developed additional climate-friendly products through research and development.
ETW Energietechnik upgrades biogas plant with efficient heat pump technology
To achieve higher profitability, the ETW SmartCycle® biomethane plant can now be equipped with a heat pump.
CPF unveils roadmap towards Net Zero, kicked off with 100% abandonment of coal use in Thailand
2023 marks a significant beginning of the moves towards the target, after CPF achieves the 100% stop of coal use in Thailand.
Report: We visited a sustainable farm in Italy
We went to visit Piggly, a sustainable farm from an environmental, production, animal welfare, and economic perspective.
CP Foods demonstrates the success of its biogas system in combating climate change
Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited is producing biogas at animal farms and food manufacturing plants across Thailand.
EU reaches agreement on national emission reductions from agriculture
European Green Deal: EU reaches agreement on national emission reductions from transport, buildings, waste and agriculture.