Page 14 of articles about environment in Swine news

USA: EPA decides to back off on Farm Dust Regulations

The federal government is backing away from tighter air-quality regulations that generated a controversy over farm dust. On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency said in a statement that it hopes the action 'finally puts an end to the myth that the agency is planning to expand regulation of farm dust.'

New method for measuring odour from pig barns

Does the air smell or not? That question has until now been very difficult to answer. Scientists from Aarhus University will, in collaboration with Infarm A/S, SKOV A/S and the Pig Research Centre under the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, now try and get a handle on the problem by developing a model.

USA - Circuit Court rules on CAFO permits

The judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit have ruled that the Clean Water Act did not give the EPA the authority to require Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations to obtain discharge permits on the presumption they would discharge pollution to the waters of the state.

Netherlands – Estimates on ammonia emissions in 2020

The Agrarian Research Institute of the University of Wageningen (LEI) has carried out a study on the estimation of ammonia emissions in 2020. According to data obtained, emissions will reach 100 million kilograms, which, in comparison with 2007, represents a decrease of 20 million kilograms. These figures do not include the use of chemical fertilizers in the greenhouse horticulture sector and the gardening sector, nor co-fermentation.

México bets on renewable energies for swine farms

Between 2008 and 2010, SAGARPA has economically supported the installation of 324 bio-digesters on swine and dairy farms, as well as slaughterhouses, resulting in production savings and generating electricity equivalent to 69 giga watts per year, thus preventing the emission of over 1,4 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

United Kingdom - BPEX environment roadmap launched

The pig industry is setting out how it intends to achieve reductions in its environmental impact in a Roadmap just launched by BPEX and partners. The document sets out targets for the reduction of key environmental burdens over the next 10 years.

Netherlands - Less phosphorus in pig feed; Macro-effects, opportunities and barriers

The Ministry of Economics, Agriculture and Innovation asked LEI to investigate the macro-economic effects of reduced-phosphorous feed. This request was translated into research into the influence of reduced phosphorous feed on the price of pig feeds, the influence on the manure surplus in kilos of phosphate, the effect on the necessary processing capacity of pig manure and the costs savings that this achieves. In addition, the research looked into the risks perceived by the animal feed industry, both for the industry itself and for pig farmers.