Page 15 of articles about manure

Iowa State Swine Nutrition Program Welcomes New Graduate Students

With five new graduate students and a lab manager, Iowa State University’s (ISU) applied swine nutrition program is focused squarely on the future. The program, under the leadership of animal science associate professor John Patience, has three research themes: energy, ingredient evaluation, and feeding management. There also are collaborative efforts with additional animal science faculty members in other areas.

USA - EPA to require greenhouse gas reporting

On Jan. 1, 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will, for the first time, require large emitters of heat-trapping emissions to begin collecting greenhouse gas data under a new reporting system. This new program will cover approximately 85 percent of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions and apply to roughly 10,000 facilities.

Thailand to turn waste from pig farms to worth

Thailand’s Department of Livestock Development (DLD) and the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Co-operatives (BAAC) have started a project to turn waste water and manure from swine farms to a worth at crop farms.

Netherlands - Future of the agricultural sector

Scale increase in the agricultural sector is set to continue apace in the long term. In this context, technological innovation offers opportunities to meet rising social demands. This is the conclusion of a study conducted by Wageningen UR for the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV).

Thompson’s tip: Hot weather check-ups

Following the recent hot weather, growth rates among growing and finishing pigs can be expected to slow. So stocking densities need particularly attention, says Paul Thompson, veterinary consultant to pig-breeding company, ACMC Ltd.