Page 18 of articles about environment
Cogeca elects new president, Ramón Armengol
The European agricooperatives organisation held its presidential election during which Ramon Armengol (Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España) was unanimously nominated to lead the farming organisation. Ramon Armengol will replace the outgoing Swedish President, Thomas Magnusson (LRF).
Belgium: non-compliance with the Nitrates Directive
Comprehensive slurry management
A comprehensive management plan for slurry transforms a perceived problem into an opportunity and a valued resource.
CPF granted SET “Highly Commended” Award, maintaining its place in THSI Index
CPF wins "Highly Commended in Sustainability Award" affirming the company's success in food Safety, self-sufficient society, and balance of nature.
Rules to calculate and to migate the environmental performance of the red meat
SPACE: Download the official app of the Show!
SPACE 2019 mobile app is available for free.
Innov'Space 2019
Discover the 2019 award-winners and download the booklet and pictures of the awarded products and services.
Chromium propionate on growth performance and health biomarkers in heat-stressed finishing pigs
The Netherlands postpones the aids program for pig producers that cease their activity
Elemental composition of swine manure from 1997 to 2017
SPACE 2019 : The programme
The programme of conferences and meetings at SPACE will once again be full and varied, with nearly 70 conferences and meetings already confirmed.
Excess heat from HAMLET PROTEIN to supply 3300 households in Horsens with district heating
The excess heat from HAMLET PROTEIN A/S’s plant in Horsens will now benefit the district heating customers of the city. Fjernvarme Horsens and HAMLET PROTEIN have signed an agreement which in the first year alone constitutes 70,000 MWh equal to the heating consumption of approx. 3300 households.
New feeding strategies to reduce polluting gas emissions from manure
Incorporating fibrous by-products in the feed reduces the emission of ammonium from manure and nitrous oxide in agricultural fields