Page 33 of articles about environment

New study on "Public Goods provided by Agriculture in the European Union"

The Common Agricultural Policy plays a critical role in helping farmers to deliver environmental goods and services, provided that policies are targeted in the right way. This is the key message of a report published today for DG Agriculture and Rural Development by the Institute for European Environmental Policy.

Climate change could reduce by 10% agricultural production in Europe

After the recent release of the final report of the PESETA project on the impact of climate change in Europe, the JRC's Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) is launching a series of monographic reports with more information on each of the sector specific studies of the project. The first such report, "Impacts of climate change in agriculture in Europe" has been published.

Waitrose cements commitment to UK farmers

In a bid to cut carbon emissions and create a more sustainable pork supply chain, Waitrose has announced the details of a grain sourcing initiative for its pig farmers. The multi million pound deal, the first of its kind in the UK, will mean that BQP/Dalehead Foods will source wheat and barley through the farmer-owned cooperative, Openfield, from within a 50 mile radius of the mill used to manufacture pig feed.