Page 33 of articles about environment

European Union - Stricter rules on industrial emissions

Clearer rules and cleaner air are among the aims of the Industrial Emissions Directive approved by the European Parliament on Wednesday. Stricter limits will apply for air pollution for example, although Member States will have some flexibility to extend deadlines for power plants or waive the rules for other installations in special cases.

Spain - MARM presents ECOGAN

The Spanish Minister of Agriculture has presented the software ECOGAN, an application for the estimation of emissions and consumption of resources in farms.

Comparison of ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from fattening pigs kept either on partially slatted floor in cold conditions or on fully slatted floor in thermoneutral conditions

Continuous measurements of ammonia and greenhouse gas were achieved on exhaust air from two fattening rooms differing by the type of floor (totally slatted vs partially slatted floor) and the ambient temperature. Temperature was regulated at 18°C in the room with partially slatted floor (room CP18) and 24°C in the room with fully slatted floor (CI24).

Netherlands -Twenty percent fewer livestock will curb manure oversupply

The oversupply of manure from Dutch livestock farms is rising as a result of stricter environmental regulations. To solve this problem without manure export or technological innovations, the number of livestock will have to be reduced by twenty percent before 2020, reports the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI).