Page 17 of articles about events in Press releases

Charlotte (Lotta) Berg

2nd WVA Animal Welfare Awards


The 2nd WVA Animal Welfare Awards supported by Ceva puts the welfare of animals’ center stage as 5 veterinarians from Brazil, Canada, China, Senegal and Sweden are rewarded for their outstanding work to protect and promote best practices in animal welfare.

Everyone out and about visiting Bergamo, Italy.

First Tonisity distributor meeting in Bergamo, Italy


This three-day event was a brilliant opportunity for the Tonisity team to firstly meet with their wider distributor network across Europe and Asia but it also gave them the chance to hear feedback on how they can best implement new marketing and sales tactics for the next year.

AASV Annual Meeting sets records again

The meeting participants enjoyed the opportunity to attend numerous educational sessions, including 10 pre-conference seminars, two general sessions, three break-out sessions, research topics, three industrial partners sessions, the Student Seminar, and a poster session featuring 89 posters.

Digital animal farming theme at EuroTier 2018


EuroTier exhibitors will be presenting their latest solutions at the Hanover Exhibition Center from 13 to 16 November 2018, and the DLG, together with partners from industry, science and consulting, will explain the importance of digitization for modern livestock farming, with examples explained in special features and forum events.