Page 56 of articles about exports
Optimism is breaking out all over in the US in spite of the large supply of hogs
Export markets can keep profits flowing even if the industry nudges production into record territory.
Inspection of Russian establishments by Japanese experts
Germany: record value of the agri-food sector exports
The volume of Brazilian pork exports is still falling
Argentina exports pig carcasses to Russia for the first time
Upcoming visit of the Japanese delegation to Poland
U.S.-Vietnam progress on pork trade
Possible import of Russian pork to Hong Kong
100 European geographical indications set to be protected in China
Russia - Vietnam: cooperation in the veterinary field
French pork exports in 2016
Argentina: First meeting of the Pork Exports Board
Russia starts conversations with Thailand to export pork offal
USMEF kicks off Spring Conference, announces succession plan
To close the session, USMEF past chairman Roel Andriessen, who chaired the search committee charged with finding and recommending candidates for the position of USMEF president, explained the extensive process that led the committee to identify Halstrom as its leading candidate.