Page 4 of articles about biogas
Sustainable pork production in the age of climate change
The pig industry needs to counteract concerns about climate change and provide evidence we are making efforts to minimize our environmental footprint.
ETW Energietechnik expands biogas plant to regenerative storage power plant
ETW Energietechnik supplies biomethane upgrading technology
CPF promotes biogas production on all farms and processing plants in Thailand
CPF is geared towards renewable energy consumption through biogas production at all pig farms in Thailand to save communities and for sustainable energy security.
Smithfield Foods announces landmark investment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
PORK CRC: Affluent effluent possible for piggeries
Pork producers with biogas systems now benefit from reduced odour, save on energy costs, sell excess biogas-derived electricity to the supply grid and sell Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) and renewable energy certificates.
Green future with biogas will be demonstrated at Agromek
Low frequency aeration of pig slurry affects slurry characteristics and emissions of greenhouse gases and ammonia
From greenhouse gas to carbon credits
Edwina Beveridge runs a mixed farming operation in New South Wales, Australia. At any given time, she has some 2,200 pigs on site - which adds up to a lot of methane. By investing in a methane digestion system, she now turns it into energy.
Combined heat and power plants in agriculture
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants can make farmers less dependent on energy providers. International EnergyDecentral 2018 trade fair will show solutions for new and existing plants.