Page 5 of articles about biogas

Bio-Energy-Expo in China

From 18 to 20 May 2011, over 30 companies will bring the latest technologies and biogas management to Chinese visitors in Qingdao · More than 200 to attend the 2nd International Bio-Energy Conference on 19 May 2011

México bets on renewable energies for swine farms

Between 2008 and 2010, SAGARPA has economically supported the installation of 324 bio-digesters on swine and dairy farms, as well as slaughterhouses, resulting in production savings and generating electricity equivalent to 69 giga watts per year, thus preventing the emission of over 1,4 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Mexico - SAGARPA and farmers invest 900 million pesos in bio-digestors

In the last 3 years, the Mexican Secretary of Agriculture (SAGARPA), through the Shared Risk Trust (FIRCO), has earmarked 300 million pesos for the installation of 305 bio-digesters on 305 farms. Keeping in mind that for every peso donated by the federal government, the producers provide two, the total investment in the installation of bio-digesters increases to 900 million pesos.

Germany– Increase in Biogas plants

According to the latest estimations from the Biogas Federation (FvB), during the last year the number of biogas plants increased considerably, so much so that there currently exists more than 5,000 fermenting warehouses with a potential that exceeds 2,000 megawatts (MW) installed on farms throughout the country.

Netherlands - Wageningen UR designs biogas plant

Wageningen UR's Swine Research Farm at Sterksel is to carry out research into carbon neutral pig farming using a mini-biogas plant. The Productschap Vee en Vlees (Cattle and Meat Marketing Board) will invest 170 thousand euros in a low-cost prototype design.