articles about smart-farming
Hourly feeding of lactating sows: Enhancing performance and welfare in smart farm-based systems
Infection prediction in swine populations with machine learning
UIUC to develop biosensors to improve ASF detection
Center for Genomic Diagnostics Receives First USDA Grant.
Summary of the 27th IPVS and 15th ESPHM-ECPHM: Reproduction, welfare, and nutrition
In this third installment, Antonio Palomo summarizes the papers presented on reproduction, nutrition, precision livestock farming, and other aspects of swine production.
EuroTier Innovation Awards 2024
The leading innovation award in the international livestock industry recognizes products with a function that has changed significantly, enabling a new process, or has significantly improved an existing process.
Winners of the Innovation Awards EnergyDecentral 2024
The winners of the renowned innovation medals are representative of the creative will and innovativeness of the entire industry.
Boehringer Ingelheim presented SoundTalks® powered by FARMERA™
The SoundTalks® Innovation Exchange symposium brought together different stakeholders to share practical applications of digitalisation on farms, especially in the area of respiratory health monitoring.
Boehringer Ingelheim steps forward with new technology to improve respiratory health management in production systems
The global launch of “SoundTalks® powered by FARMERATM” will take place on September 9 in Bologna. This innovative solution enables you to identify trends and patterns at system level and to continuously improve your production system performance 24/7.
Robotics in livestock farming at EuroTier 2024
New FarmRobotix platform at EuroTier 2024.
Farmex: Pig and poultry collaboration improves management through enhanced data use
Barn Report Pro and Optifarm app collaboration will ensure easier access and tactical use of data.
Jacquelin Labrecque appointed as new CEO of Ro-Main
Serge Labrecque proudly hands over the role of CEO of Ro-Main to Jacquelin Labrecque.
Bazooka Farmstar announces new Wolverine Cloud Monitoring capabilities
Wolverine agitation boats can now be monitored remotely.
FarmSee Ltd announces the completion of a minority investment in its swine monitoring platform
Cutting edge & AI solution for continuous and precise monitoring of individual swine weight.
Visit to the IFIP-Institut du Porc experimental swine station
Since 1998, IFIP has had an experimental farm located in Romillé, Brittany, France, which allows them to run all types of trials at all stages of production.
DeathBoars: Italy's project for preventing ASF
Camera traps, data loggers, and simulations are all involved in the DeathBoars project for the prevention of African swine fever in northeast Italy.