Page 4 of articles about temperature
Farmex: A matter of control
Producers have mixed opinions on Dicam 2's remote temperature control app. Some worry farmers will make changes without checking on animals in person.
The Yangxiang project
Interview with the owner of Yangxiang to understand a bit better the development of the project and what they have learned.
Report: Yangxiang, the 9-storey farm
333, together with Javier Lorente, visits the spectacular Chinese farm in which 28,000 sows are housed in 9-storey buildings.
Effect of conductive cooling pads on heat and moisture production of gilts in hot and thermoneutral environments
Rugged Cat® S60 smartphone helps pig farmers improve productivity and efficiency
The integrated thermal camera of the Cat S60 allows users to obtain thermal images that come loaded with instant data, which makes it easier for farmers to make corrections and achieve the proper functioning of their equipment, ensure that the animals are comfortable, and increase overall profitability of their farming business.
High environmental temperature around farrowing induced heat stress in crated sows
Effect of hot temperature and drinker type on growth performance and water disappearance by growing-finishing pigs
Effect of pad cooling on summer barn environment and finishing pig temperature
A high temperature around farrowing causes stress to the sows
The use of a thermometer or other technologies not so usual such as thermography for diagnosing sensitive situations cheaply, easily and objectively.
Impact of environment temperature and food consumption on a pig's body temperature
The effect of environment temperature on the body temperature is greater than that of ingestion and digestion of food.
How much of an issue is heat stress for sows?
Nutritional approaches, adapting the diet and using feed additives, can help sows cope with heat stress.
Keeping pigs in their comfort zone
A new method of comparing the environmental performance of pig houses has been devised by Staffordshire-based ARM Buildings.
Blowers better for weaners
Blower heaters for weaner-grower pens may offer significant advantages over conventional in-pen bar heaters, according to Tim Miller environmental specialist with ARM Buildings.