Page 5 of articles about ventilation

Ventilation of pig lungs


This video shows what it looks like when you are inhaling and exhaling air. Their is a Combi-tube in the esophagus and it is being ventilated by a BVM

Thompson’s tip: Hot weather check-ups

Following the recent hot weather, growth rates among growing and finishing pigs can be expected to slow. So stocking densities need particularly attention, says Paul Thompson, veterinary consultant to pig-breeding company, ACMC Ltd.

Principles of ventilation

A pig building might be ventilated in several ways, which might be categorized according to the method that is used for moving the air through the building. A first categorization includes natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation.

Air quality

A good air quality is required for maintaining animal health and welfare and for providing a good working environment for the staff.

Controlling the environment of the pig

This article explains the most important principles of environmental control in the pig barns, such as ventilation control, maintenance of temperature within the thermoneutral zone of the animals and of the relative humidity levels inside the barns.