Page 3 of articles about farrow
Frequency and time of gestation feeding and their subsequent effects on farrowing performance
The ideal farrowing facilities: number of crates, room size, type of crates... (1/2)
Joan Wennberg discusses the ideal farrowing facilities with Heraclio Corchón and Javier Lorente. They do not always agree, which makes reading this document even more interesting.
Comparing gestating sows housing between electronic sow feeding system and a conventional stall
The performance and behaviour of gilts and their piglets is influenced by whether they were born and reared in farrowing crates or farrowing pens
How the anti-inflammatory drugs given to sows affect the piglets
Assessment of a study, by Enric de Marco, on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs in sows at farrowing in order to reduce piglet mortality and increase the weight of piglets at weaning.
Implementation of a peripartum feed
The handling disadvantages derived from the addition of an extra feed are outweighed by the improvement in production and decrease in the number of farrowing problems.
What is the best age for the first service? Well, it depends
The month of the sow's birth affects the number of piglets born alive in the first farrowing.
At long last, we can now predict a sow's performance from her first farrowing
We can predict a sow's production based on the number of piglets born alive at first farrowing. In addition, the best sows' performance will outdo the others' continuously.
Effects of space allocation and parity on selected physiological and behavioural measures of well-being and reproductive performance in group-housed gestating sows
The use of oxytocin in liquid semen doses to reduce seasonal fluctuations in the reproductive performance of sows
Data, hormones and holidays (2/2)
This article explains how the massive use of hormones helps synchronize heats and farrowings when workload scheduling, synchronization and production rates stability are priorities.
Assisted farrowing - indoor breeding
Data, hormones and holidays (1/2)
A strict schedule allows us to concentrate all the important events, and time periods where more attention/work is required, within the working days.