Page 4 of articles about farrow
Watch for the monitoring of farrowings
This watch has three circles: the blue one represents the hours, the green one the liveborn piglets, and the red one the stillborn piglets.
Effectiveness of different farrowing induction protocols in sows using alphaprostol on day 114 of gestation
Sow overmanagement consequences (1/2)
We saw aggressiveness in the sows, and we suspected that it could have been caused by the handling around the moment of the farrowing. We decided to register and analyze the data relative to the handling in order to confirm our suspicions.
Effects of day of farrowing induction and spontaneous versus induced farrowing on sow and suckling piglet performance
Insulin-stimulating diets during the weaning-to-estrus interval in high-prolific multiparous sows
Nurse sows (III): Moving sows “backwards”
In the previous piece of advice we saw that obtaining foster sows by moving piglets "forward" had some disadvantages, which are solved by moving the sows "backwards".
Pain caused by farrowing in sows
Farrowing is a painful and stressful process, especially in the case of gilts and dystocic farrowings.
Animal-related factors associated with piglet mortality in a bedded, group-farrowing system
Using tie wraps to tie navel cords
Using tie wraps to tie quickly and efficiently navel cords of newborn piglets.
Characterization of “second parity syndrome” profiles and associated risk factors in French sow herds
How to protect the sows from the heating lamps in the farrowing quarters
In many occasions, the location of the heat lamp very near to the head of the sow can bother her.