Page 11 of articles about farrowing room
Farrowing programming (I)
In this chapter we will look at how hormones can be used to influence the time of farrowing according to our needs.
Additive effects of L-carnitine and chromium picolinate on sow reproductive performance
Hormone management (II)
When the sow is pregnant, the corpus luteum remains and continues to produce progesterone. While the levels of progesterone are high the sow does not become in heat and maintains gestation.
Hormone management (I)
For hormones to be efficient it is essential to use them with the right approach. For this we must know the reproductive cycle of the sow and the hormones that are involved.
Piglet colostrum intake
Colostrum offers 3 essential properties to the piglet: very useful energy source (vital for generating movement and avoiding temperature loss), immune supply (protects against germs that the piglet begins to come into contact with) and natural growth factors (complete the maturity of the piglet).
PRRS Eradication: A dream or missed opportunity?
Management of the breeding chart (I)
A breeding chart would be like a type of computer without wires, screen or keyboard.
What is the best age for weaning piglets? (2/3)
Normally the productivity of the sow is valued for the number of litters/sow/year multiplied by the number of weaned piglets per litter.