Page 4 of articles about farrowing room
Are all non-viable piglets, really not viable?
There are casualties in the farrowing unit due to poor colostrum intake but, how many are there really? Are they just being classified as non-viable piglets?
Use of the space in the farrowing pens to avoid crushings
This trick tries to reduce the number of deaths by providing the piglets more resting space by using the corridor.
The behaviour and welfare of sows and piglets in farrowing crates or lactation pens
The ideal farrowing facilities (2/2): feeding and environmental control systems
This time, Joan Wennberg discusses the different feeding and environmental control systems in the farrowing house with Heraclio Corchón and Javier Lorente
Different colours on sow cards
Sometimes, when working on the farm, we have to get up close to the sow to check its card in order to know its productive cycle. Or, whilst carrying piglets to be fostered, we ask ourselves, will that sow be a second parity one?
Nature is wise III: Sows do not only make piglets, they also make enough milk to raise them
Lifting partitions in the farrowing unit allows piglets from different litters to mix, sharing teats and socializing.
The performance and behaviour of gilts and their piglets is influenced by whether they were born and reared in farrowing crates or farrowing pens
Vaccination strategies for the prevention of oedema disease and diarrhoea caused by E.coli. Neonatal and post-weaning diarrhoea (2/2)
Achieving good levels of colostral immunity by vaccinating sows is the first step to prevent scours; subsequently, active pre or post-weaning immunization must be added to prevent post-weaning diarrhoea.
Diagnosis and treatment of colibacillosis in the farrowing unit
Diarrhoea is their most typical clinical manifestation, and the earlier the onset, the more harmful it is. Newborn piglets can present with another clinical picture, with signs of sepsis (shock, depression, death, polyarthritis), which is associated with an extraintestinal E. coli.
How to arrange pan feeders in the farrowing room
An easy solution to store these feeders is to hang them in the corridor of their room. In this way, they do not stand in the way and they can dry well before being used again.
Risk factors of colibacillosis in the farrowing unit
Management factors and environmental conditions are often triggers or predisposing agents, not only to the clinical presentation of the disease, but also its severity and course.
Protection of piglets against Oedema Disease by maternal immunization with Stx2e Toxoid
The article provides an alternative to the current vaccination programs that could be the solution for farms with early onset oedema disease. However, this alternative —consisting of vaccinating the dams at the end of gestation to achieve post-weaning piglets immunization—, also raises questions...
Providing colostrum with an AI catheter
Use the probe of an intrauterine AI catheter to provide colostrum.