Page 5 of articles about feed consumption
Animal and management factors influencing grower and finisher pig performance and efficiency in European systems: a meta-analysis
China: soybean imports to jump by 2024
NET energy system for gestating and lactating sows (2/2)
The results show that digestibility of the same diets is indeed higher for gestating and lactating sows than it is for growing pigs.
United States: draft guidance for industry on ensuring safety of animal feed
Spain: drop in feed production in 2013
Phenomenal feed efficiency in newly-weaned pigs: sign of health problems?
The factor that is completely ignored is that newly weaned piglets develop edema; they retain water in their tissues above what is normal and this explains the abnormal gain of the piglet in the first days after weaning.
Flavour addition increases feed intake of lactating sows
Dried citrus pulp to finishing pigs: performance and meat quality
Risk-benefit of the use of blood products and other animal proteins
The nutritional expected benefit of these products is very high but every precaution must be taken, especially to prevent introduction of PED and spreading of ASF.
United Kingdom: since 2010 there has been an improvement in the FCR
Ad libitum feeding during the peripartal period maximizes lactational feed intake
Multiphase feeding on performance, body composition, nutrient excretion and feed costs in pigs
Feed Conversion Ratio: critically important but often misused
Feed efficiency as it is measured by the feed conversion ratio (FCR) is basically an engineering concept. There are a lot of misconceptions about feed efficiency and even more surrounding the economics associated with it.