The Danish Salmonella control program - lessons learnt
Interventions can only reduce but not eradicate Salmonella from the herd. This emphasises the importance of trying to avoid introduction especially Salmonella Typhimurium or Salmonella Derby.
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Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
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Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
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Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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Interventions can only reduce but not eradicate Salmonella from the herd. This emphasises the importance of trying to avoid introduction especially Salmonella Typhimurium or Salmonella Derby.
This chapter is intended as a roadmap for the development of a Salmonella control program for factories, a program whose aim should be to minimize Salmonella contamination, of any and all serotypes.
Some tips to reduce feed costs on pig farms.
Feed is one of the risk factors in the epidemiology of salmonellosis and therefore, control of pathogens in the feed should continue to be considered an essential component of any control program for swine salmonellosis.
We should focus on actions that are in our hands to try to improve the profitability of our farms.
The taste system senses the nutritional value of foods through the taste buds defined as clusters of taste sensory cells present in the tongue
In the last decades the degree of technification and evolution of the productive systems at all levels has been constant.
In order to follow the evolution of the pigs at weaning and fattening, having a growth curve is very practical.
Working with compound feeds allow to cover completely the animals' needs, taking full advantage of their use.
The supply of wet feed, when compared to dry feed, improves the rate of growth and conversion, at least these are the results of the trials carried out in the experimental stations.