Page 17 of articles about feed in Swine news

Thailand - Tariff revenue cuts meat costs

The government plans to use the duty income charged on imported soybean meal to lower the production cost of chicken, pork and eggs so it can cut the retail prices on these items for consumers.The strategy is part of a broader policy to cut the price of some foods and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to reduce the cost of living.

Ukraine - Grain exports from Ukraine is still blocked

Grain exports from Ukraine is still blocked, because the Ministry of Economy does not provide the corresponding licenses to grain trading companies, declared Leonid Kozachenko, the President of Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, on December 2.

European Union – New catalogue of feed materials

Feed information will soon improve significantly, thus further empowering feed users, due to an innovative act of private-sector cooperation that resulted in a Commission proposal. The proposal was endorsed today by the Member States at the Standing Committee for on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCoFCAH). The private sector worked voluntarily on an important update of the old list of feed materials (Catalogue), which contains less than 200 entries. The new Catalogue will include descriptions of 64 qualifying transformation processes of feed materials (currently only 17 processes, which are essentially used to treat feed, are listed) and almost 600 well-defined feed materials.

China´s feed industry realized 426.6 billion Rmb output

According to the report released by China Feed Industry Association in the Sixth Major Corporation Exchanging Meet, China's feed output in the year of 2009 has arrived up to 148 million tons from 2000's 74.29 million tons. Gross product was promoted from 158 billion yuan to 426.6 billion yuan.

Russia to resume wheat flour exports

Russia plans to resume exporting flour on January 1, 2011, but a larger ban on exporting wheat, barley, rye and corn has been extended through next June, the state-run RIA-Novosti news agency reported Monday.

Ukraine could cancel grain export quotas

Grain export quotas can be canceled once Ukraine has stocked adequate quantities of food and feed grain at the Agrarian Fund, the State Reserve and regional reserves, said Ukraine's Prime Minister Mykola Azarov.

USA - EPA approves higher blend rate for ethanol in gasoline

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved higher blending rates for ethanol in gasoline for 2007 and newer vehicles, allowing mixtures with up to 15% of the corn-based fuel at the pump. The current maximum ethanol blend rate is 10%; a mid-level blend rate increase of 12% had been discussed in recent months.

European Union - Less oilseed

According to COCERAL oilseeds crop forecast, published on september, European Union-27 oilseed production has decreased this year from 29.27m tonnes to 27.739m tonnes, with the most significant drop seen in rapeseed production.

FAO - Food price volatility a major threat to food security

Experts from more than 75 FAO Member States agreed today that while there were no grounds for complacency, there was no indication of an impending world food crisis. They proposed exploring new measures to check food price volatility and manage associated risks.

European Union - Situation of the cereals markets: Stabilisation measures

The Polish delegation has informed the Council on the consequences of the price increase of cereals on animal production, in particular pig production. Poland would like the Commission to take actions such as selling cereals from intervention stocks and increasing intervention prices in the framework of the Single Common Market Organisation regulation.