Page 13 of articles about feed
AB Agri Ltd announces further international expansion of its Primary Diets business
Primary Diets has been selling its UK produced, baby starter feed brands and Premier Nutrition premix in Poland for the last 12 years. Over this time Poland has developed into Primary Diets’ largest export market.
Cactus addition to lactating sows’ diet
USA: AFIA provides new biosecurity guidance following ASF outbreaks
Commission presents the EU plant proteins plan
Argentina forbids the use of colistin in feed
Determine the adequate amount of dietary phosphorous in growing-finishing pigs
EU: rules for veterinary medicinal products and medicated feed published
Global pork prices in flux due to ASF
Dietary limestone inclusion in weaned piglets and the effects on growth performance, intestinal microbiota and jejunal gene expression
Copper: new legislation, practical consequences in post-weaning feed
As of August 13th, 2019, the maximum copper limit allowed in piglet feed will be reduced. Faced with this change, what nutritional strategies can I use?