Page 3 of articles about feed
First forecasts for global cereal production
FAO’s first forecast for the 2024/25 season points to an overall comfortable global cereal supply and demand situation.
EU Compound Feed Production Market Forecast 2024
Based on data collected by FEFAC, industrial compound feed production within the EU27 is expected to decrease in 2024
333 Emerging Voices - Evaluation of the inclusion of Tenebrio molitor meal in pig’s diet
Doctoral thesis from the University of Milan (Italy), advised by Luciana Rossi.
EU looks into alternative protein sources for food and feed
This study assesses the current state and future prospects of protein production with a focus on conventional and alternative protein sources for food and feed.
Clinical case: Gastroesophageal ulcers in finishing pigs due to pyrrolizidine alkaloidosis
Although initially the focus was on the gastric ulcers, after the first visits, more importance was given to liver damage and poisoning was suspected.
Belgium: Animal feed production declines for third consecutive year
Pig feed production has fallen nearly 7% due to poor market conditions and the uncertainty caused by the nitrogen policy.
USA: FDA finalizes guidance on Veterinary Feed Directives
The VFD final rule outlines the process for authorizing the use of approved animal drugs in the feed of food-producing animals that require veterinary oversight.
Effects of dietary inclusion of fermented sorghum distiller’s dried grains with soluble on carcass traits and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs
Brazil lowers soybean and corn crop forecast
If projections are realized, the volume would decrease by 13.5 million tons compared to 2022/23.
UC Davis’ Yanhong Liu shores up PIG-PARADIGM study
Animal nutrition expert integral to team intent on reducing antibiotics use.
China continues to reduce soymeal use in animal feed
The Chinese government continues to implement plans to reduce and replace soybean meal in animal feeds.
USDA corn and soybean projections for the 2023/2024 season - December 2023
Compared to the November report, estimates for world corn production and trade improved slightly, and Brazilian soybean projections were cut.
Fiber-rich coproducts: The effect on nutrient and energy digestibility and utilization in empty non lactating sows
Spain is still the leading European producer of animal feed
Spain's animal feed production reached 37.5 million tons and remains the European leader in compound feed production in 2022.
AB Vista hosts feed intelligence conference in Dubai
The event explored how research findings can be practically applied to commercial situations to deliver improved profitability.