Page 33 of articles about feed
Effect of extruded linseed in the sow diet on piglet intestinal barrier function
European Guide to good practice and the specific sector documents are available in the EU languages
Salmonella contamination of feed (II): control
This chapter is intended as a roadmap for the development of a Salmonella control program for factories, a program whose aim should be to minimize Salmonella contamination, of any and all serotypes.
European Union: new regulations requiring the control of dioxins in feed
UK: Leading family feed businesses merge
European Union: dicopper chloride trihydroxide as feed additive for all animal species
European Union: compund feed production estimates for 2011
Reducing the cost of pig feed (II): feed management
Some tips to reduce feed costs on pig farms.
European Union: EFSA supports phenol derivatives in pig feed
Salmonella contamination of feed (I): importance
Feed is one of the risk factors in the epidemiology of salmonellosis and therefore, control of pathogens in the feed should continue to be considered an essential component of any control program for swine salmonellosis.
Focus on feed efficiency in pork production webinar series
Reducing the cost of pig feed (I)
We should focus on actions that are in our hands to try to improve the profitability of our farms.