Page 35 of articles about feed

European Union - EFSA publishes first practical guidance for assessing nano applications in food & feed

The European Food Safety Authority has published a guidance document for the risk assessment of engineered nanomaterial (ENM) applications in food and feed. The guidance is the work of the Authority’s Scientific Committee and is the first of its kind to give practical guidance for addressing potential risks arising from applications of nanoscience and nanotechnologies in the food and feed chain.

European Union - Meat-and-bonemeal moves closer

The European Parliament would support a Commission proposal to lift the ban on the use of meat-and-bonemeal in pig and poultry feed but only if the strictest testing and surveillance mechanisms are enforced, according to a draft report.

Europe's protein deficit under spotlight

Total EU protein crop production (dried pulses, soybeans etc) currently occupies only 3% of the Union's arable land and supplies only 30% of the protein crops consumed as animal feed in the EU, with a trend over the past decade towards an increase in this deficit.