Page 44 of articles about feed

United Kingdom - Statistics on GB animal feed

The latest national statistics produced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on GB Animal Feed were released on 11th March 2010 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Statistics on GB Animal Feed include data for the period November 2009, December 2009 and January 2010 with percentage change for corresponding period last year.

Philippines - Dry spell causes chicken, pork prices to rise

Aside from causing daily power outages in parts of the Philippines, the ongoing dry spell is also causing the prices of chicken and pork to increase. A party-list representative estimates retail prices of the two types of meat typically bought by Filipino households may go up by $0.10 a kilo (5 pesos) by April of May.

European Union - Commission announces upcoming proposal on choice for Member States to cultivate or not GMO's

The European Commission announced today its intention to come up with a proposal by the summer to allow more choice to Member States in deciding whether to cultivate GMO's. Under the current legal framework, as decided by the Council and the European Parliament, the Commission adopted today two decisions concerning the Genetically Modified Amflora potato: the first authorises the cultivation of Amflora in the EU for industrial use, and the second relates to the use of Amflora's starch by-products as feed.