Page 50 of articles about feed

Experts to meet in China to discuss impact of the financial crisis, the global pig markets, genetics, practical pig production in China, feed safety and disease prevention

The Global Pig Forum is the first industry-wide conference for pig production. The forum brings together international experts the entire pig industry. The two-day forum, which is organised by China Animal Agricultural Association (CAAA), includes representatives from the processing sector, breeding companies and feed industry specialists, along with key personnel employed in research, finance and marketing.

DuPont Leader: Agriculture is Up to Global Productivity Challenge

Science will enable farmers to produce enough grain to meet the growing demand for food, biofuels and materials if public and private agriculture enterprises, regulators and policymakers from around the globe take a more holistic approach to the solution, William S. Niebur, vice president – DuPont Crop Genetics Research and Development, said here today.

China: FAIRS Subject Report 2008 Catalog of Feed Additives 2009

On December 11, 2008, China's Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) published Decree No. 1126, the "2008 Catalog of Feed Additives". The 2008 Catalog, modified based on the "2006 Catalog of Feed Additives", adds some widely used safe feed additives and also defines the scope of use for enzymes and live micro-organisms.

Germany - Germany joins GMO maize ban

Germany has banned the only type of genetically-modified crop grown there, the highly insect-resistant MON 810 maize. Germany is the sixth EU country to introduce a provisional ban on the US biotech corn, after France, Austria, Hungary, Luxembourg and Greece.