Page 15 of articles about food safety
Italy: many associations sign a document in favour of the rationalization of the use of antibiotics
China may require further tests of U.S. pork
European Union: Member States discuss mislabelling of meat products
United Kingdom: meat testing protocol published by FSA
Russia imposed temporary restrictions on importation of US pork and beef
China to enhance food, water safety
Canada’s food supply safer for consumers
USA: FDA increases dose of ionizing radiation to treat meat
European Union: Council's position on Codex decision on Ractopamine
Ireland: DNA sampling of pigmeat will determine origin
Towards sustainable global food safety collaboration
United Kingdom: report of Salmonella in pigs in 2011
Antimicrobials in pigs, the present and future perspectives
The European Commission is reviewing and consulting how antimicrobials are used in veterinary medicine following the release of their 12 point programme in 2011. Present and future situation of antimicrobial use in the European Community is analysed.