Foot and mouth disease in Germany: What will happen in the EU?
The appearance of a case of foot and mouth disease aggravated the fall in the German pig price with direct repercussions on prices in neighboring countries.
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Biocheck.UGent is an independent, risk-based, scientific scoring system for assessing the quality of your on-farm biosecurity.
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Definition for the most commonly used pig terms
Simulator that calculates the amount of drug to add to the water when using a flow dispenser.
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The appearance of a case of foot and mouth disease aggravated the fall in the German pig price with direct repercussions on prices in neighboring countries.
What laboratory diagnostic methods can I use to diagnose FMD? Which one should I choose according to the situation? How do I interpret the results?
You've probably heard that one of the ways the ASF virus can enter a country is through contaminated food. Here's why it's so risky.
Pathogens that are transmitted mostly through direct, pig to pig, contact are generally contained with today’s biosecurity programs and pig flow strategies. However, pathogens using multiple routes of transmission seem to evade standard biosecurity programs.
On the finisher sites, the farmer noticed that the growing pigs in all the farm sheds had become dull and lame.
In 1996, the NFMDTF drafted a national plan to address the 1995 FMD epidemic wherein 98,000 animals were reported to have been affected.
The FMD Eradication Project in the Philippines has formally ended but activities have been sustained even after obtaining FMD-freedom in Luzon having no clinical cases for 5 years with the last outbreak recorded in December 28, 2005.
As a result of dedicated implementation of guidelines for the progressive zoning approach, the zero case scenarios was sustained to date, with continuous complementation of stricter animal movement management and sustained cooperation of all concerned stake holders. Luzon at present is virtually divided into three zones.
The recognition of Mindanao and Visayas-Palawan-Masbate by OIE as FMD free zones without vaccination were two of the most significant achievements by the National FMD Control and Eradication Project.
It is essential that veterinarians update their knowledge and educate livestock farmers and employees to familiarize themselves with exotic diseases, such as foot-and-mouth disease or ASF, since their detection requires knowledge of them.
The appearance of Foot and Mouth Disease Type 0 (Asian types) in the United Kingdom shortly after the occurrence of Classical Swine Fever has generated a very deep crisis in United Kingdom livestock industry. The occurrence of the two so soon after one another, and both supposedly originating from the same part of the world suggests that there have been changes in the patterns of food importation into the UK that have allowed these strains to enter.