Page 11 of articles about genetics-reproduction
Is gestation length changing in sows?
User responses of the 333 survey on gestation length in sows reveal gestations are trending around 115.5 days.
Post-insemination management guidelines for swine
To conclude this series of articles, swine reproduction and artificial insemination specialist Javier Gil explains the importance of proper post-service management in terms of when to move sows and how to feed them.
Argentina allows breeding pigs from Canada to be imported
The Argentine National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (Senasa) conducted the sanitary controls and authorized the importation of the first shipment of breeding pigs from Canada.
Hypor: Technical service at your fingertips
Hypor, the swine brand of Hendrix Genetics, has recently launched “Swine Support by Hendrix Genetics”, an exclusive technical service app for its customers.
Genomic analysis of IgG antibody response to pathogens in commercial sows
Causes of abortions occurring at a certain point in the gestation
What could be causing the abortions happening at a particular point in the gestation?
The Hypor Libra: Sustainable and strong
Find out more about the most sustainable sow in the industry.
Discovery of sex-determining region on pig Y chromosome may have applications in preventing boar taint
Semen doses characteristics: volume, concentration, and preservation
We continue with the series of articles in which swine reproduction and artificial insemination specialist, Javier Gil, gives us key points about proper management to improve fertility and prolificacy. In this article we will detail important aspects about semen doses and their storage.
Causes of seasonal abortions
What can I do if the abortion rate is greater than 2% and the abortions are concentrated around a specific time of year? How can I combat seasonal abortions?
Genesus: Zhengbang Group imports 2400 breeding pigs
Genesus warmly celebrates a complete success of Zhengbang Group importing 2400 Genesus breeding pigs from the USA.
Anestrus in multiparous sows
When multiparous sows are affected, not as many need to be culled as in the case of gilts (which we saw in the last article). Generally sows will eventually show signs of heat, but with a considerable delay compared to a normal heat.
New CEO to accelerate the development of Danish Pig Genetics
Karsten Due comes from several top management positions, including within the ACO Group. He will take up the position as CEO of Danish Pig Genetics on 1 April.
How to minimize the impact of small litters
The incidence and distribution of small litters and factors affecting the number of piglets born alive on swine farms.
Danish Pig Genetics develops Genetics Evaluation System
In collaboration with international expertise, Danish Pig Genetics is developing an in-house state-of-the-art genomic evaluation platform for their breeding programs.