Page 12 of articles about genetics-reproduction
Abortions in mainly first parity sows
Why are there more abortions occurring in first parity sows?
Genesus delivers 900 breeding pigs to Taiyu (Tycoon) Breeding Pig Co., Ltd., China
Genesus is pleased to announce the delivery of 900 head of breeding pigs to Taiyu (Tycoon) Breeding Pig Company in China.
Anestrus in gilts
Lack of estrus in gilts is a common cause for culling, which increases the need for gilts and the cost of gilts. Let's take a look a what causes anestrus:
Impact of sperm concentration on sperm morphology
Effect of supplementing sows with inulin on farrowing duration and piglet performance
Non-infectious causes of irregular returns to estrus in sows
This article lists the main non-infectious causes that can lead to irregular returns to estrus.
Hendrix Genetics and BHZP extend their pork pact
Hendrix Genetics, global multi-species animal breeding company and BHZP, Germany's largest pig breeding company, have reached an agreement to extend their contract to start production of db.77 boars in Spain in order to fulfill the growing demand of the db.77 boars in the Spanish and Portuguese markets.
What insemination method should I use?
We continue our series of articles in which swine reproduction and artificial insemination expert Javier Gil shares key points about proper management to improve fertility and prolificacy. This article addresses the criteria to establish correct insemination methods.
Associations between foetal size and ovarian development in the pig
Causes of regular returns to estrus: the sow
This article covers the main sow-related factors that can cause regular returns to estrus.
Effect of different levels of taurine on boar semen quality
New Zealand rules sow farrowing crates "unlawful"
The High Court declared regulations and minimum standards regarding farrowing crates and mating stalls unlawful and invalid.
Causes of regular returns to estrus: the seminal dose or boar
This article covers the main semen- or boar-related factors that can cause regular returns to estrus.
Breed cards: Turopolje Pig (Turopoljska svinja)
Turopolje pig is a fatty-type pig breed created during the Middle Ages in Turopolje region in Central Croatia. Due to its modest demands, resilience and good adaptation to outdoor rearing, the Turopolje pig has been an important food source for the local population for centuries.
Topigs Norsvin USA names John Eggert new CEO
John Eggert will officially assume the CEO position on January 1, 2021.