Page 19 of articles about genetics-reproduction
Success is in the Genes for New Hypor Hire
At an age where many young men are still trying to “find themselves”, the newest Hypor geneticist finds himself in a role that’s perfectly suited to his skill set.
Cases of reproductive failure around mating: as real as life itself
Management of dead semen, data analysis, vaccinations,... These are some examples that we will deal with in the following 6 case studies.
A new device for deep cervical artificial insemination in gilts
Cactus addition to lactating sows’ diet
Clinical case: Diagnostic darkness: recurring fertility decline in summer
Pig reproduction and summer are not good friends, Heat comes, daylight hours drop, fertility decreases and the vets come across more reproductive pathology than during the rest of the year. Why doing always the same does not always yield the same result?
Impact of light irradiation on preservation and function of mammalian spermatozoa
High environmental temperature around farrowing induced heat stress in crated sows
Sperm membrane proteins associated with the boar semen cryopreservation
Advances in artificial insemination in nulliparous sows
The morphological differences in the cervical wall and canal between multiparous and nulliparous sows require deep AI devices adapted to the characteristics of the nulliparous.
Epigenetics in sows: the role of trace elements in the offspring's development
Although we know that the amount and the quality of nutrients induce direct effects on health, the interaction of nutrition with epigenetic modifications is normally overlooked.
Researchers at MU produce virus-resistant pigs, could vastly improve global animal health
Researchers at the University of Missouri have successfully produced a litter of pigs that are genetically resistant to coronaviruses.