Page 10 of articles about gestation
Denmark: status on 2013 legislation
Belgium: Status of sow stall conversion
Seasonal effects on oocyte developmental competence in sows experiencing pregnancy loss
Genetic and environmental effects on piglet survival and maternal behaviour of the farrowing sow
Farrowing Monitoring (II)
A good result in stillbirths is difficult to achieve without inducing farrowings.
Clinical case: Altrenogest for the prevention of premature farrowings
The farm, with an elevated number of animals, had been experiencing for several days an increased number of births in gestation on the weekend before moving the sows to the farrowing pens. Mortality in these births was 100%.
Use of betaine in gilts and sows during lactation: effects on milk quality, reproductive parameters, and piglet performance
Influence of gestation diet on piglet birth weight and glycogen reserves
Campaign 'Welcome to 2013' informs sow farmers about feeding stations
Incidence and prevention of early parturition in sows
Dietary seaweed extracts and fish oil supplementation in sows: performance, intestinal microflora, intestinal morphology, volatile fatty acid concentrations and immune status of weaned pigs
Protecting the pregnant sow from PRRS: Research findings
The role of lean tissue in handling bodily reserves
Effect of dietary supplementation of oregano essential oils to sows on colostrums and milk composition, growth pattern and immune status of suckling pigs
Managing a 3-week batch system, weaning at the beginning of the week
This may be a good option when farrowings and litter control during the first days are the priority.